Wednesday, March 26, 2008

waking up at 6

I realized today that I just need 7 hours of sleep. Every minute after the 7 hour mark is simply a waste of time.

Today I woke up at 6, and we had to run some errands, and we did that, until 11:30, then I had to go to school for a presentation. When I came back home, it was hard to believe that today morning, we ran some errands. Honestly, when you wake up early and get active, you get a really good feeling of satisfaction.

So tonight, I'm gonna sleep early, and wake up at 6 again, and try and study for a good few hours, then go to school for a lab, and then study some more. That sounds like a good plan, one that I've been trying to do for the past 2 years, but it never works out. But hey, after today's feeling, I think it's actually gonna work this time. I just need to sleep in 42 minutes.

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